Easy-Peasy Choco-Banana Oatmeal Muffins (Healthy, Wooo!)

Everyone likes muffins. If you don’t…well then you are just weird or lying to yourself

I would eat muffins everyday if they weren’t so bloody fattening, and while I do LOVE to eat more than anything else, it’s still nice to be healthy most of the time. Finding that balance between oh-so-deicious and a healthy diet can sometimes be a bit tricky.

Well my friends, look no further! I have perfected a delectable and low fat muffin that will knock your socks off without knocking your weight-loss goals off track.

Let’s get to it shall we? These are so simple, and are easily adjusted to fit your personal taste.


You Will Need:
> 3 ripe mashed bananas
> 1 cup vanilla soy milk
> 2 eggs
> 1 tbsp Baking Powder
> 3 cups Rolled Oats
> 1 tsp vanilla extract
> 6 tbsp mini chocolate chips

Start by preheating your oven to 375 degrees

Make sure your bananas are nicely mashed up (the more ripe they are the better!). Mix all the ingredients together, except the chocolate chips. It’s best to fold them in right before you scoop the batter into the muffin pan to prevent them from settling at the bottom of your batter.

Insert liners into the muffin pan (you could spray the muffin pan with cooking spray instead, however I find the liners work much better and are more convenient).

Fold in the chocolate chips (yaaay!) and begin to divide batter into 12-15 muffin cups.

Bake 20-30 minutes until edges are golden brown and they are firm to the touch.

Let stand until cool and viola! Delicious and healthy muffins!

** A few notes**
> you can substitute the soy milk for skim (if you use regular skim milk adding a bit of sweetener may be necessary) or vanilla almond milk – anything works!
> add nuts/seeds/raisins to the batter for an even healthier treat
> be sure to store these in the fridge or freezer (they freeze so well!!) or they will spoil very quickly, and that would be sad 😦

Now you have a great breakfast or snack that travels easily – and you don’t have to feel guilty about eating two as they are 115 calories and 3g of fat each!!

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